At St Anthony’s we believe that effective teaching promotes the wellbeing of students, teachers and the school community. It improves students’ and teachers’ confidence and contributes to their sense of purpose for being at school. It builds community confidence in the quality of learning and teaching in the school.
Learning and Teaching opportunities at St Anthony’s school include:
- Use of a hands-on based approach to engage students
- Provide explicit teaching of skills
- Provide real life problems and issues relevant to students
- Encourage students to utilise a range of technology
- Teacher modelling and demonstration
- Opportunities to manipulate concrete materials, equipment, instruments and technologies
- The use of a variety of medium for recording data, including charts, exercise books, text books and ICT
- Provide opportunities for literacy development
- Allow students to reflect upon their learning
- Take full advantage of incidental learning opportunities
- The use of open-ended questions and tasks to promote higher order thinking
- Working with others and in teams to facilitate learning
- Utilise digital resources to access worldwide knowledge
St Anthony’s School has a clearly documented whole school plan for curriculum delivery. This plan is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and Catholic Education Services documents. The plan makes explicit what and when teachers should teach and students should learn.
A strong alignment has been achieved between the overall curriculum delivery plan, term and unit plans, classroom teaching and the regular assessment of student progress in relation to Australian Curriculum and Diocesan expectations. Considerable attention has been given to ensuring vertical alignment of the curriculum so that there is continuity and progression of learning across the years of school, with teaching in each year building on to and extending learning in previous years.
General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities are understood, valued and used as active learning streams for all students. A high priority in curriculum planning is given to the progressive development of students’ deep understandings of concepts, principles and big ideas within learning areas, as well as to the ongoing development of cross curricular skills and attributes, including teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving, and the evaluation of information and evidence.
St Anthony’s School prioritises making the curriculum locally relevant and accessible to all students and values and builds on students’ existing knowledge and varying backgrounds.