Dear Parents,
It is with my greatest pleasure that I welcome you and your family to our school. We hope that your association with St Anthony’s will be long and lasting, and one filled with many memorable experiences of it, not only as a school of learning dedicated to providing a quality education, but also as a community of faith which openly recognises Christ and seeks to live and proclaim His gospel message.
Here at St Anthony’s, we are committed to supporting you as the first and primary educators of your children. We assume the belief that schooling is a partnership operation. It is in working as partners – in supporting and encouraging each other’s efforts – that we benefit in bringing children to a genuine knowledge of themselves and of the world in which they live. Together it is hoped that efforts of co-operation and mutual support will complement each other through the sharing of a common vision and of common goals.
Our school motto ‘To Seek, To Strive, To Find For Love of God’ applies not only to the children, but indeed to all of us. If we are true to the inspiration and application of it, our school and all those associated with it will certainly benefit.
Each child and parent wishing to enrol at St Anthony’s must strive to uphold the values of this school, is called to participate actively in maintaining the special character of the school’s faith and cultural identity and agrees to becoming a part of a community of learners who are seeking knowledge of the world and of its Creator. By sending your child to this Catholic school you openly affirm your belief in Catholic Education. Hopefully, what we offer at St Anthony’s is far more than just ‘another education’. We endeavor to bring together faith and learning in ways that are real and meaningful to our own lives and which ultimately reflect the life and message of Jesus Christ.
We at St Anthony’s, therefore, look forward to journeying with you and sharing the challenge of bringing your children to a greater knowledge of themselves, their world and their God.
Yours in providing the very best in Catholic Education,
Rachelle De Iacovo