In 2007, our school logo changed to more clearly signify our historical link with St Anthony of Padua (our patron saint), The Sisters of St Joseph (the Religious Order that started St Anthony’s Parish School in 1965) and the Dimbulah area.
These three elements are evident in our logo.
The ‘Josephite’ Cross
The distinctive badge worn by the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart (the Josephite Emblem) has its origin in tradition, and is symbolic of the devotions that were special to Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods.
In the early days, the Sisters wore a monogram of blue braid on the front of their brown habits. The shape of the monogram was the A of ‘Ave’ and the M of ‘Maria’ (a popular prayer to Mary the Mother of God).
Inside the blue monogram, the Sisters embroidered three Js to remind them of the importance of Jesus, Joseph and John the Baptist in their lives (Jesus was the one to whom Mary gave her life, Joseph was Mary’s special patron to whom she prayed often and most fervently, John the Baptist was the one who prepared the way for Jesus as Mary MacKillop wanted her Sisters to do).
The Cross: Mary called herself ‘Mary of the Cross’ and was called on to bear the cross many times throughout her life. More information on Spirituality
The Panini (bread) and Lilies
These symbols both represent St Anthony of Padua. Bread is a remembrance of St Anthony’s charity to the poor. The lily represents St Anthony’s purity and his battle against the demon since childhood.
The Dimbulah Area
The mountains surrounding the Dimbulah township are represented by mountains at the foot of the cross. The sunshine on the mountains is representative of the sun that shines over Dimbulah most days of the year.
Our Motto “To Seek, To Strive, To Find for Love of God” calls students seek answers, to do their best and strive for greatness in learning, always searching for God in our daily actions and interactions.